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Hereafter, find thirty pages chosen amongst the 371 pages of "Being Angels' Witnesses", a book written by the Timeless Voyagers and published by Les Editions de Mortagne in 1994.

For the last thirty years the authors of this collective work have explored the path leading from the visible dimensions to the invisible dimensions of the universe.
IJP. Appel Guéry has mentioned a few steps of this long initiatic journey in "Timeless Voyage", a very successful story under the graphical form of a comic-strip that was released in the beginning of the Eighties.

Today, the Timeless Voyagers are doing an evaluation, recalling their contacts and the intense experiences that came out of them: extrasensory perceptions, telepathy, out-of-body travel, communication with super-terrestrial consciousness beings - that may be called angels, gods or devas, according to the different traditions - and various other phenomena that may be called "psychic".

This book is an astounding bundle of various consistent testimonies about experiences, all lived in the same team of truth seekers. From this "Timeless Voyage", these "strange witnesses" are bringing back tales, images, languages, perceptions, diagrams of an incredible precision: so many elements allowing to understand the laws of universal harmony that rule the relationships between consciousness, energy and matter.
These pioneers of the inner science are handing out the keys that may help facilitate participation in the programme of planetary mutation in which more and more people are involved today.
